Often, in order to build fast functions in C programming, you simply create a lookup table of all of the answers. 通常,为了在C编程中构建快速的函数,只需要简单地创建一个快速查找表,其中保存了所有的结果。
Right-click on Edit and you will find out that the lookup table only contains a mapping for the country code US. 右键点击Edit,您会发现查找表只含有一个国家代码US的映射。
One way to address this problem is to limit URIs is to reference a lookup table. 解决这个问题的一种方法是通过引用一个查找表来限制URI。
Both columns come from the RETAIL_NAMES table representing a name lookup table. 这两列都来自于RETAILNAMES表,该表是一个名称查阅表。
The population of the lookup table was done manually. 查找表的填充是手动完成的。
To map other country codes such as DE for Germany, enhance the lookup table with your country mapping. 为了将其他国家代码,例如DE和德国映射起来,可以使用您的国家映射来扩展查找表。
This allows the entire lookup table to be loaded into memory each time a user submits a request to read or write data. 在用户每次提交一个读写数据的请求时,这可以将要查询的整个表装入内存中。
LOOKUP, a function that uses a lookup table to determine the destination column value 该函数使用查找表来确定目标列值
This view is used as a special lookup table to determine which scene to play when a particular document type is encountered. 该视图用作一个特定的查找表,以确定当遇到特殊的文档类型时布置哪个场景。
A perfect hash() function is produced when gperf finds a configuration that assigns each keysig to a unique location within the generated lookup table. 当gperf找到某种配置,并且该配置将每个keysig分配到生成的查找表中惟一位置时,将生成一个完美hash()函数。
Lookup table mapping item store IDs to names. 匹配itemstoreID与名称的查找表。
For example, you might add a new lookup table associating each state and its two-digit ZIP code. 例如,可以添加一个查询表,把每个州和州的两位数字ZIP代码关联起来。
G: This option generates the lookup table as a static global variable rather than hiding it by generating it inside the lookup function ( the default behavior). G:该选项将生成查找表并将其作为静态全局变量,而不是在查找函数内生成以隐藏该表(默认行为)。
When you do it this way, you build a "lookup table" in your brain, comparing each character you hear with those in the lookup table until you find a match. 当你这样做时,可以这样说,你在你的大脑建立一个了“查询表”,每一个字符与你查询表中的字符比较,直到找到匹配的。
The first value is the number of entries in the lookup table. 第一个值是查找表中的条目数量。
Dynamic look-up table, binary tree using dynamic lookup table, is very useful for beginners, a program that can help him learn good dynamic look-up table data structure! 动态查找表,二叉树的应用动态查找表,对初学者是非常有用的一个程序,可以帮助他学习好数据结构的动态查找表!
Only allow codes listed in the lookup table 只允许使用查阅表格中列出的代码
You can put at most| fields in a lookup table. 一张查阅表中至多能放个字段。
The easiest way that this can be done is by using a lookup table. 最直观和简单的方法是使用一个对照表。
If you want to include this data in the parent tables, you must include the lookup table in your template. 如果想在父表中包含这些数据,必须在模板中包括查找表。
In the last article, all the state abbreviations in the source listing I provided happened to be in the lookup table. 上一篇文章中,源代码清单中的州缩写名恰好都在查找表中。
{ Cannot perform share.} You cannot share the lookup table of an enterprise code that is already sharing from a third outline code. {无法执行共享。}无法共享已由第三方大纲代码共享的企业代码查阅表格。
If there is only one array in the lookup table, it will be applied to all bands. 这将允许查找表中的数组在一个受限输入时小于提供给它的实际数据组的大小。
A lookup table is provided, keying biology syllabi to the topics. 此光碟提供了查阅表,列出与课题相关的生物课程。
However, the binary search lookup table is a prerequisite for the data elements must be orderly. 但是,折半查找的先决条件是查找表中的数据元素必须有序。
Select a lookup table or view from the database by selecting an item from the list. 通过从该列表中选择项,可以从数据库中选择查找表或视图。
This abstract class defines a lookup table object. 这个抽象类定义了一个查找表对象。
The third value specifies the number of bits for each entry in the Lookup Table Data. 第三个值指定的位数为查找表中的每个数据条目号。
The corresponding unwrapped phases are achieved by use of a lookup table method. 并且应用查表法解包得到真实调制相位分布。
This method does not allow you to build that lookup table in your brain. 这种方法不允许你建立你的大脑查找表。